Sunday 2 September 2012

The common marmoset

I was lying in my hammock I'd named "Whirlpool Weetabix" at our bed and breakfast in Rio. I saw Patricia the owner feeding bananas to the marmosets. They were tiny and cute and took the banana out of our hands!  The common marmoset is often called the Cotton Eared Marmoset.  They are the only primates other than humans that may suffer from the eating disorder known as Anorexia.

By Louis


  1. Hi Louis, your friend Theo here!! I like the photo of you and the marmoset. It's cute. We started school last Monday. It's been fun so far even Mrs o'Connell is nice!!
    I hope you are ok and having fun.
    Love Theo. xx

  2. Oops. I think I may have sent you a message twice!! Love Theo.

  3. Thanks for your message Theo, Louis will email you tomorrow with his news. Glad school is not too bad!
